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Pressure washing is an effective and efficient way to clean various surfaces around your home and office space, from driveways and sidewalks to decks and siding. However, for beginners, it can be daunting to know where to start and understand the best practices to ensure a successful pressure-washing experience. At pwoutlet, we are here to guide you through the dos and don'ts of pressure washing, providing you with essential tips and tricks to help you achieve outstanding results while maintaining safety and efficiency. We carry the best brands of pressure washers, as well as pressure washer parts and supplies. Trust our pressure washer supply company for all your needs, and browse today.


Do Start with a Lower Pressure Setting: When beginning your pressure washing journey, it is crucial to start with a lower pressure setting to test the waters and avoid damaging delicate surfaces. Gradually increase the pressure as needed, but always begin with caution.

Do Test the Pressure Washer on a Small Area: Before tackling larger surfaces, always test the pressure washer on a small, inconspicuous area to ensure that it is not causing any damage. This will allow you to adjust the settings accordingly and prevent any unwanted outcomes, including ruining a cherished possession or an outside surface.

Do Use the Correct Nozzle for the Job: Different nozzles offer varying spray patterns and pressures. Make sure to use the appropriate nozzle for the surface you are cleaning to achieve the best results. Pressure washer nozzles come in different sizes and configurations. Our wide selection of pressure washer nozzles at pwoutlet can cater to your specific needs.

Do Maintain a Safe Distance: To prevent damage and ensure safety, maintain a safe distance between the pressure washer nozzle and the surface you are cleaning. A general rule of thumb is to keep the nozzle approximately 6 to 12 inches away from the surface.

Do Work from Top to Bottom: When pressure washing vertical surfaces, such as siding or walls, always work from top to bottom. This allows dirt and debris to flow downwards, not only making it easier to clean off and less time-consuming, but it also prevents streaking or staining on lower sections.

Do Wear Protective Gear: Safety should always be a priority when pressure washing. Wear protective gear such as goggles, gloves, and non-slip footwear to shield yourself from potential hazards like flying debris and slippery surfaces.

Do Use the Right Cleaning Solutions: Depending on the surface you are cleaning, using the appropriate cleaning solution can enhance the effectiveness of the pressure washer. Our experts at pwoutlet can recommend the best cleaning solutions for your specific needs. Reach out today.

Do Allow Cleaning Solutions to Dwell: For stubborn stains or dirt buildup, allow the cleaning solution to dwell on the surface for a few minutes before pressure washing. This will help break down grime and make the cleaning process more effective, especially on porous surfaces like concrete.

Do Follow Proper Ventilation: When using cleaning solutions or detergents in conjunction with your pressure washer, ensure proper ventilation in the area to prevent inhaling fumes or irritants. Open windows or doors and use protective masks if necessary for your safety.

Do Rinse Thoroughly: After pressure washing, always rinse the cleaned surfaces thoroughly to remove any remaining detergent or debris. Leaving cleaning solutions on surfaces can lead to streaking or residue buildup, affecting the overall finish.

Do Perform Regular Maintenance: Keep your pressure washer in top condition by performing regular maintenance checks, such as inspecting hoses, nozzles, and filters for wear and tear. Our team at pwoutlet can help you with maintenance tips and recommended service schedules, as well as supply you with the best pressure washer parts, accessories, and supplies to ensure optimal functionality


Don't Use Excessive Pressure: Just because your pressure washer offers a high pound per square inch of water pressure doesn't mean that's what you should use for every application. Applying too much pressure can cause damage to surfaces, especially softer materials like wood or stucco. Avoid using excessive pressure and start with a lower setting to prevent unintended harm.

Don't Angle the Nozzle Directly at Surfaces: Pointing the pressure washer nozzle directly at surfaces can lead to damage or gouging. Instead, hold the nozzle at a slight angle to the surface to prevent any mishaps. And, by choosing a specialty pressure washer nozzle such as those at pwoutlet, you can make this process even easier.

Don't Forget to Read the Manual: Each pressure washer model is unique, so it is essential to read the user manual provided by the manufacturer, which is usually provided upon purchase or available online. Familiarize yourself with the pressure washer equipment and its features before the operation to ensure a smooth experience.

Don't Neglect Safety Precautions: Safety should always be a top priority when pressure washing. Check your surroundings for hazards. Never aim the pressure washer at yourself or others, and be mindful of electrical hazards when working with water and power sources.

Don't Pressure Wash While on a Ladder: Avoid pressure washing while standing on a ladder as it can be dangerous and unstable. The force of the pressure can inadvertently cause you to lose balance and therefore fall. Instead, use extension wands or telescoping poles to reach higher areas safely.

Don't Pressure Wash Fragile Items: Delicate items such as windows, outdoor furniture, or plants should not be pressure washed as the force can cause damage. Handle such items with care and use alternative cleaning methods. If you are unsure which items you can pressure wash, check out our online guide, or give us a call with your questions.

Don't Pressure Wash in Extreme Weather Conditions: Avoid pressure washing in extreme weather conditions such as high winds or freezing temperatures. Not only is this most likely unpleasant for you, but it's also not the best for your pressure washing machine. Optimal weather conditions can improve the efficiency and safety of your pressure-washing efforts.

Don't Pressure Wash Electrical Outlets or Fixtures: Avoid pressure washing near electrical outlets, fixtures, or components as water and electricity do not mix well and can pose a significant safety risk. Turn off power sources and cover or protect electrical areas before pressure washing nearby surfaces.

Don't Overlook Environmental Impact: Be mindful of the environmental impact of pressure washing by avoiding excessive use of detergents or chemicals that could harm plant life, water sources, or ecosystems. Opt for eco-friendly cleaning solutions whenever possible to minimize environmental damage. Get advice from our experts if needed.

Don't Pressure Wash Hot Surfaces: Avoid pressure washing surfaces that are extremely hot, such as freshly laid asphalt or recently operated machinery. High temperatures can cause rapid cooling, leading to surface damage or cracking when exposed to the force of the pressure washer.

Don't Neglect Post-Cleaning Care: After completing a pressure washing project, don't overlook post-cleaning care such as storing your pressure washing equipment properly, disposing of wastewater responsibly, and addressing any maintenance issues promptly. Taking care of your pressure washing equipment and workspace will prolong the life of your pressure washer and ensure future success in your cleaning endeavors.


Mastering the dos and don'ts of pressure washing is essential for beginners to achieve successful and safe cleaning results. By following our expert advice and utilizing high-quality pressure washer equipment from pwoutlet, you can enhance the appearance of your home or office space while maintaining safety and efficiency throughout the process.

Our pressure washer supply company is here to support your endeavors, whatever they may be. From washing your car and patio to cleaning your office's exterior surface, we understand that you have many uses for your pressure washer. We carry the best pressure washer parts, equipment, and supplies, so you can continue to have clean surfaces whenever you need them. Browse our site today, and happy pressure washing!